Local businesses will change after covid-19 restrictions are lifted

Press | Editorial

“During the restrictions to stop and reduce cases of COVID-19, many businesses have had to adapt to these new circumstances in order to survive. In the case of the food and drink establishments, places that give so much life to the streets of our city, have looked for alternatives outside the traditional business, such as takeaway, food delivery to your door or exclusively serving on terraces.”

'Local business will change after coronavirus restrictions are lifted' | Press Illustration | Katerin Carballares
'Local business will change after coronavirus restrictions are lifted' | Press Illustration | Katerin Carballares
'Local business will change after coronavirus restrictions are lifted' | Press Illustration | Katerin Carballares
'Local business will change after coronavirus restrictions are lifted' | Press Illustration | Katerin Carballares
'Local business will change after coronavirus restrictions are lifted' | Press Illustration | Katerin Carballares
'Local business will change after coronavirus restrictions are lifted' | Press Illustration | Katerin Carballares

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